Esbat Rites

Esbats are an important part of the pagan lifestyle. Esbats are rituals to honour the goddess through her aspect of the moon. The moon (and the goddess) exert tremendous pull in the lives of all beings on Earth, such as the tides and the cycles of our bodies, this should be recognized. In conducting Esbat rites each full moon, and also during the new moon if you so desire you help attune yourself to Nature and to the flow of time.

Full Moon Esbat Rite

Esbats should be performed at night, in full view of the moon if possible, but if you must perform it indoors, or the sky is darkened by clouds, not to worry.

Good altar decorations would be anything that evokes in your mind the aspects of the full moon, motherhood, and/or love.

-Purify Self
-Purify of Space
-Cast the Circle -Invoke the Goddess and God

Then conduct the esbat rite with a special invocation to the Goddess that honours her in her aspect as Mother, as you speak these words gaze at the moon (or where it should be if your view is obscured) and feel her energies shining down on you.

A good invocation i have used is borrowed from Starhawk's Spiral Dance:
"This is the time of fullness, the flood time of power, when the Lady in full circle of brightness rides across the night sky, arising with the coming of dark. This is the time of the coming of the dark. This is the time of change realized. The Great Mother, Nurturer of the world, which is Herself, pours out her love and her gifts in abundance. The Hunter draws near to the Brilliant Onem She who awakens yearning in the heart and who is the end of desire. We who look on her shining face are filled with love. Merry meet."
As you say Merry meet, send the energy you have raised up to the Goddess, and then feel her energy fill you in a return greeting, as she recognizes your love for her and returns it.

If you have any spell working planned now is the time to do it.
Magicks that will work particularly well are those that embody creation and fullness.
If you have no magick that tyou need to work, ground the energy, bid the Goddess, then the God, and finally all others you have drawn to your circle farewell; then open the circle.

Dark (new) Moon Esbat Rite

Good altar decorations would be anything that evokes in your mind the aspects of darkness, the crone, death, wisdom, secrets, and/or occult knowledge.

-Purify Self
-Purify of Space
-Cast the Circle -Invoke the Goddess and God

Then conduct the esbat rite with a special invocation to the Goddess that honours her in her aspect as Crone, as you speak these words gaze at the night sky and feel the energies and wisdom of the Crone touch you from beyond the Veil.

Again I borrowed my most oft used invocation for this rite from Starhawk's Spiral Dance:

"This is the ending before the beginning, the death before new life. Now on the ebb tide the secrets of the shoreline are uncovered by the retreating waves. The moon is hidden, but the faintest of stars are revealed and those who have eyes to see may read the fates and know the mysteries. The Goddess, whose name cannot be spoken, naked enters the Kingdom of Death. In the most vast silence and stillness, all is possible. We meet in the time of the Crone, to touch the deep power of the dark."
As you say this last send out the energy you have gathered thus far into the realms beyond the Veil, and feel that energy returned to you, touched by secrets revealed, wisdom that can only come with experience, and the knowledge that what once was shall be again.
Now is a time to contemplate the Mysteries, and to reflect on your experiences, so that you might be wiser.

If you have any spell working planned now is the time to do it.
Magicks that will work particularly well are those that embody creation and fullness.
If you have no magick that tyou need to work, ground the energy, bid the Goddess, then the God, and finally all others you have drawn to your circle farewell; then open the circle.